This week was all about the food...

Macha latte

Pizza night with homemade lemonade and gooseberry pie, chai tea for the kids and the best coffee I have ever had (made with love - and an awesome Rocket machine).

Freshly picked orange delicious (Lactarius deliciosus) mushrooms cooked in butter.

Because of course, that's the most sensible thing to do after a juice cleanse! Oh well, what can you do when you are a foodie and there are only 10 days left before you hit the road and become ovenless again... 

We were served delicious buckwheat pancakes (made with flour ground in a flour mill from a friend's family) served with maple syrup made by her partner's family. What a treat it was! And what a lovely time we had together. Then, I taught little girls how to make blueberry pies and maple pecan pies, made turkey zucchini and cumin burger (with zucchini from the greenhouse) served with a garlicky sour cream lemon pepper sauce for a simple dinner with friends. There was also a beet, feta and arugula salad with basil-balsamic dressing, a decadent brown-butter sage with blue cheese macaroni with pesto & walnut topping (a Jamie Oliver recipe), grilled veggies pizzas with chèvre and Cholula sharp cheese straws (based on this recipe). A coffee chocolate cake with basil buttercream (if you thing basil and chocolate are a weird mix, think again! Basil-chocolate is the new orange-chocolate!). Oh yeah! It was heaven!